
use ethers::{types::U256, utils::format_units};

/// `U256` provides useful conversion functions to enable transformation into native Rust types.
/// It is important to note that converting a big-number to a floating point type (such as a `f32`
/// or `f64`) can result in a loss of precision, since you cannot fit 256 bits of information into
/// 64 bits.
/// However, there may be cases where you want to perform conversions for presentation purposes.
/// For example, you may want to display a large number to the user in a more readable format.
fn main() {
    let num = U256::from(42_u8);

    let a: u128 = num.as_u128();
    assert_eq!(a, 42);

    let b: u64 = num.as_u64();
    assert_eq!(b, 42);

    let c: u32 = num.as_u32();
    assert_eq!(c, 42);

    let d: usize = num.as_usize();
    assert_eq!(d, 42);

    let e: String = num.to_string();
    assert_eq!(e, "42");

    let f: String = format_units(num, 4).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(f, "0.0042");